Outrage in France after the beating of two police officers

In total, eight police officers and three military injured in France on the night of Sunday to Monday, during which 1.031 vehicles were burned and 510 people arrested, said the Ministry of the Interior.

Beating of two police officers in the suburbs of Paris on the night of the New Year brought a wave of outrage in France, where the president Emmanuel Macron has condemned a “cowardly and criminal lynching”. Altogether, eight policemen and three soldiers were injured in France on the night of Sunday to Monday, during which 1.031 vehicles were burned and 510 arrested persons, the Ministry of the Interior said. The number of vehicles burned, either directly or by spread, is from 935 last year to 1.031, said the Ministry, the number of people arrested from 456 to 510.

At Champigny-sur-Marne, in the suburbs East of Paris, two police officers – a man and a woman – called because of a brawl during a private party were singled out and beaten shortly before midnight. Videos widely repeated on social networks show a lot of people rushing on a returned vehicle. A young woman in uniform, Earth, encircled, gets kicked while several people are swarming over the vehicle. The police reinforcements arrived at the scene, “have made use of firing grenades and all other chasing away means” to help to assaulted colleagues, according to a source close to the dossier. The two police officers suffer a fracture of the nose, the other of concussions in the face. Several firefighters and civil protection vehicles were ransacked.

Two people were arrested during the clashes, but the attackers of the two police officers remain on the run, according to the same source. The incident caused a wave of indignation on social networks in France. On Twitter, the president Emmanuel Macron promised that the “culprits of lynching cowardly and criminal police” will be “found and punished”. “Honor to the police and total support to all meanly assaulted officers”, he said. “To tackle our security forces, is to tackle our Republic,” tweeted the Minister of the Interior Gérard Collomb.

translated by karwan rachid from AFP articl.

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