Muslim or not Muslim only God knows…

After the death of the father of Molenbeek, Mr. Philippe Moureaux, people especially Muslims dispute over if he died Muslim or not.

Some of them stick over the idea that their mayor is a Muslim and dies Muslim, though they have never seen him praying in a Mosque. For another group, he is Muslim just because he was married to a Muslim from Morocco.

 The third group thinks that he is not converted to Islam because they have never seen or heard him pledge Islam or shown his allegiance to the unique God. For them, he never sat on the floor before an imam.

 Some of them ask the question why he was not buried following the Muslim’s tradition. The opposite side answered that the Belgian high authority was behind the idea to obscure the fact he was converted to Islam.

The same group added that they are so many influential personalities who became Muslims but they prefer to stay anonyms for one or more reasons. The other replied that there are many influential personalities do convert to Islam without any fear or discretion but on the contrary, they show their being Muslims like the ex MP of radical party in Netherland , Geert WILDERS.

Just yesterday I listened to a group speaking loudly over ‘the’ question fueling the discussions in an overcrowded café in Molenbeek: Was Philippe Moureaux a Muslim or not?

 The rumor or the fact is not new. Already in the years when he was a mayor of Molenbeek, the majority of these residents spoke of a probable conversion to Islam. The situation remains the same like the story of Michael Jackson who was thought to be converted to Islam. Only God knows.

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