ISLAMOPHOBIA Germany: significant increase in the number of attacks against Muslims

The number and the level of violence of the attacks against Muslims in Germany have increased significantly in the second quarter of 2017 the number and the level of violence of the attacks against Muslims in Germany have experienced a significant increase in the second quarter of 2017, according to the figures revealed by the Government and taken up by the German newspaper “NOZ”. In response to a question from the left party German on attacks on Muslims across the country, the Government indicated that 16 Muslims were injured in the second quarter of 2017 in attacks of hatred, against only two recorded incidents in the first quarter of this year. The Government stressed that all these attacks were perpetrated by extremists on the right, which one was arrested, said the newspaper. According to the police and the federal Office for protection of the constitution, Islamic institutions in the country have been the target of 192 attacks in the second quarter of this year. The phenomenon of Islamophobia began to emerge after the attacks of September 11, 2001, and has particularly intensified with the recent rise of the far right in Western countries.

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